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We need to oppose any increase to entitlement programs.      


Montana families should not be expected to give handouts to people who chose not to work.  


We must be constantly vigilant for those that seek to infringe on our Second Amendment rights.


Protecting the rights afforded to us under the Second Amendment is one of my top legislative priorities. 


I believe an individual who chooses to vote must present a valid Government issued photo ID card to a poll worker prior to being allowed to cast a ballot. 


The radical left is constantly trying to indoctrinate our children. 


 We must empower parents to have a strong voice in their local schools,    So that  the radical left doesn’t destroy future generations.  


We Must support President Trump as he works to retake the white house. 


We need secure borders, increased domestic energy production and to put American families first. 


Before I cast any vote as your Representative, I will first consider these priorities:





President Trump. 


If any legislation runs counter to the Teachings found in the Bible, I will vote no. 


If any legislation infringes on the rights of Montana Families Freedoms, I will vote no


If any legislation opposes or detracts from President trump’s America first agenda, I won’t just be a no, I will be a hell no!. 









Issues:  If these issues make it to the ballot,


Demetri will be voting no on CI-125

CI-125 (Ballot Issue #8)
Subject:  Currently, under the Montana Constitution, only a district court judge may convene a grand jury. CI-125 amends Article II, Section 20 of the Montana Constitution to also allow 100 plus one-half of one percent of a county’s electors to convene a grand jury by complaint and petition.
Type: Constitutional Initiative


Demetri will be voting yes on I-192

I-192 (Ballot Issue #9) Subject:  Designates American rodeo as the official sport of Montana. Type: Initiative


Demetri will be voting yes on I-193

I-193 (Ballot Issue #10) Subject:  An act that prohibits Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Commission from denying the owner of fee patented lands from harvesting deer, elk, and black bear on their own property during the statewide general hunting season.  The only exception would be in cases where local animal populations are in severe decline due to environmental factors such as disease or drought. Type: Initiative


Demetri will be voting no on CI-126

CI-126 (Ballot Issue #12)
Subject: Amends the Montana Constitution to provide a top-four primary election.  All candidates, regardless of political party, appear on one ballot.  The four candidates receiving the most votes advance to the general election.  A candidate may list a political party preference, but a candidate isn’t required to be nominated by a political party.  A candidate’s political party preference isn’t an endorsement by the political party.  The legislature may require candidates gather signatures up to five percent of the votes received by the winning candidate in the last election to appear on the ballot.  All voters may vote for one candidate for each covered office.  The amendment applies to the elections for governor and lieutenant governor, secretary of state, auditor, attorney general, superintendent of public instruction, state representative, state senator, United State representative, and United States Senator.
Type: Constitutional Initiative



Committee to Elect Demetrius Joslin
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